Is Your Time More Important Than Money?

Three years ago, the world was turned upside down by a pandemic. As the saying goes, “Time Flies.” I know that is true for me.

When helping others decide if buying a franchise is worth the risk, I often ask the question, “If money had nothing to do with this decision, what would you be doing with your life?” The answer I get the most is, “Spend more of my time with family and do the things that I love.” Most people say they want to make enough money to achieve that goal, which is the main reason people choose to look at franchise opportunities.

But that has changed dramatically in the last two years for younger adults. The pandemic has changed the work context forever. Once people got a taste of freedom while working from home, they want even great freedom from the confinements of corporate jobs. For the first time in my career, I am working with young adults at a higher rate than I ever have. I see young adults go into business rather than work from home or go back to the office. The trend I hear from these young adults is, “I realized these last three years I don’t want to be tied down to an office or at home. I want to build something, watch my kids grow up, and control my time.” I had a candidate say, “I can buy a franchise or pay for an MBA, and a franchise has much more upside potential, in my opinion.”

It’s a cool trend that will define the next generation, and it gets me excited about the future of our nation and its entrepreneurial roots. Although these last three years have affected many families in a painful way (including mine), it may be the beginning of something great for our younger generation, and isn’t that what we all want? A better world of awareness, self-love, and people learning how to make time their commodity.

What if you built a plan to get more time and not think about the money as much? Is that possible? Well, that depends on your priorities. Ask yourself if they have changed in the last three years. Wouldn’t be great to have more money and more time!?! With franchising and business ownership both are equally available to you.

If you want to learn more about controlling your time and how owning a franchise may do that, feel free to reach out by clicking this LINK. Be good to yourself.

Irving Chung


[email protected]
