Elevate Your Career: Master the I.M.P.A.C.T Method for Franchise Success!

Transitioning from Corporate Life to Franchise Ownership: The Ultimate Playbook for Success

Have you ever thought about transitioning from corporate/military life to franchise ownership? I’ve condensed the ultimate playbook into an easy-to-remember acronym to help ensure your success.


I – Initial Call

We begin with an introductory call to understand your needs, goals, and overall vision for your future. This is the foundation for the project.

M – Model Development

Develop a detailed business model that outlines the strategy, financials, and operational plan. This step is crucial for identifying the ideal franchise selection criteria and understanding which franchise model will operate and succeed within your plan.

P – Pinpoint Franchisors

Identify potential franchise opportunities that align with the business model and strategic goals. Focus on franchises that offer the best alignment and most promise for your success and growth.

A – Assess Information

Evaluate the information gathered about each franchise, including financial performance, training, marketing support, leadership team, and your compatibility within the business model. This assessment should be thorough to ensure informed decision-making.

C – Conduct Validation

Interacting with the existing franchisees of the companies you are evaluating is a mission-critical step in understanding what an owner’s day will be like. This step is vital for understanding whether you have the skills to execute the franchisor’s business model and learn from current franchise owners directly.

T – Take Action

Based on the insights and analyses gathered, decide and take the necessary steps to pursue the chosen franchise opportunity. This could involve attorney reviews, territory negotiations, signing agreements, secure funding, and beginning the implementation phase.

Leaving behind the structure of a corporate job or the military to embrace the freedom and opportunities of franchising is a monumental decision. But if you use the I.M.P.A.C.T Method, you might just join the ranks of countless executives and veterans who have successfully made this leap, and I’m here to share their secrets with you. Click HERE to schedule a no cost consultation to take your first step in a brighter future.

Irving Chung


[email protected]
